

Weinberg, J. (2023). Governing in an Age of Distrust. A Comparative Study of Politicians’ Trust Perceptions and Why they Matter. Oxford University Press.

Weinberg, J. (2020). Who Enters Politics and Why? Basic Human Values in the UK Parliament. Bristol University Press.

Journal Articles:

Sant, E., Weinberg, J. & Thiel, J. (2024). Fail to plan, plan to fail. Are education policies in England helping teachers to deliver on the promise of democracy? British Educational Research Journal, 00, 1–26.

Weinberg, J. (2023). ‘It Takes Two to Do The Trust Tango’: Politicians’ Trust Perceptions and Why They Matter. Political Insight, Vol. 14(4): 36-39.

Weinberg, J. (2023). Building Trust in Political Office: Testing the Efficacy of Political Contact and Authentic Communication. Political Studies.

Weinberg, J. (2022). Feelings of trust, distrust and risky decision-making in political office. An experimental study with national politicians in three democracies. Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 56(7): 935–967.

Weinberg, J. (2022). Trust, Governance, and the Covid-19 Pandemic: an Explainer using Longitudinal Data from the United Kingdom. The Political Quarterly, Vol. 93(2): 316-325.

Weinberg, J. (2022). Personality Politics. Fabian Review, Vol.134(1): 12-13.

Weinberg, J. (2021). Civic education as an antidote to inequalities in political participation? New evidence from English secondary education. British Politics, Vol. 17:185–209.

Weinberg J. (2020). Can political trust help to explain elite policy support and public behaviour in times of crisis? Evidence from the United Kingdom at the height of the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic. Political Studies, Vol. 70(3): 655–679.

Weinberg, J. (2020). Emotional Labour and Occupational Wellbeing in Political Office. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 23(3), 430–450.

Soo, N., Weinberg, J., and Dommett, K. (2020). One Moment, Please: Can the Speed and Quality of Political Contact Affect Democratic Health. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 22(3): 460–484.

Weinberg, J. (2020). Who Wants to be a Politician? Basic Human Values and Candidate Emergence in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 51(4): 1565-1581.

Weinberg, J. (2019). Who’s Listening to Whom? The UK House of Lords and Evidence-Based Policy-Making on Citizenship Education. Journal of Education Policy, Vol. 36(4): 576-599.

Weinberg, J. (2019). The Winner Takes It All? A Psychological Study of Political Success among UK Members of Parliament. Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 73(4): 711–733.

Flinders, M., Weinberg, A., Weinberg, J., Geddes, M., and Kwiatkowski, R. (2018). Governing Under Pressure? The Mental Wellbeing of Politicians. Parliamentary Affairs, Vol. 73(2): 253–273. https://doi:10.1093/pa/gsy046.

Weinberg, J. and Flinders, M. (2018). Learning for Democracy: The Practice and Politics of Citizenship Education in the United Kingdom. British Educational Research Journal, Vol. 44(4): 573-592.


Weinberg, J., Seyd, B., Gaskell, J., Hamm, J., and Zmerli, S. (2021). Introduction to a Special Issue on Political Trust. Frontiers in Political Science, Vol. 3:125. Complete special issue available here.


Weinberg, J. (2021). The Missing Link: an updated evaluation of the provision, practice and politics of democratic education in English secondary schools. Project Report for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Political Literacy. London: United Kingdom. Available here.

Weinberg, J. (2020). Politics in schools: ‘what exists’ and ‘what works’? Project Report for the UK Democracy Fund (Ref. 190903). Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust. London: United Kingdom. Available here.

Book Chapters:

Weinberg, J. (2022). From Big Ben to the breakfast table: basic values and political attitudes among politicians and the public. In: A. Weinberg (ed.), Psychology of Democracy: Of the People, By the People, For the People. Cambridge University Press.

Weinberg, J., and Flinders, M. (2019). Improving Citizenship Education. In: H. Tam, (ed.) (2019) Whose Government is it? Bristol: Policy Press.